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Erasmus Program

ORT France > ORT de Strasbourg > Erasmus Program

Erasmus since 2011

the mobility of students in Europe

In 2011 ORT Strasbourg decided to join the Erasmus programme,
The European programme supporting the mobility of students in Europe for study periods or internships as well as the teaching staff in the context of teaching assignments or trainings.

Programme Erasmus avec l'ORT Strasbourg

Erasmus contributes to the realization of a European higher education area following several operational targets such as:

  • The improvement of the quality and the increase in the volume of mobility involving the students and teaching staff in Europe,
  • The improvement of the quality and the increase in the volume of multilateral cooperation among higher education institutions, and since 2007, between higher education institutions and companies.
  • The transparency and compatibility of qualifications gained between higher education and advanced vocational education in Europe.

First European programme, Erasmus supports mobility actions in Europe for the students (study or training periods), teaching staff ( teaching assignments ), as well as all the members of the higher education institutions ( training periods).

Erasmus also facilitates cooperation among higher education institutions developing intensive programmes, networks and multilateral projects. Today in France, all the French universities as well as most non-university higher education institutions are involved in Erasmus .


National Diploma

The DNMADE (National Diploma for Careers in Fashion and Design) is a three-year course, equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design, delivered in collaboration with Strasbourg University. It lasts 6 semesters (three years) and is worth 180 ECTS.

The DNMADE is a three-year course, equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design, delivered in collaboration with Strasbourg University. It lasts 6 semesters (three years) and is worth 180 ECTS.

Subjects :
The courses are organized in four modules :

  • Generic teaching : philosophy, literature, culture of art and design
  • Cross-disciplinary teaching : expression and creative tools, technologies and materials, economic and legal environment, foreign language, digital tools and languages.
  • Practical teaching : creative workshops, professional practices
  • Professional skills

The first year is devoted to the discovery and acquisition of fundamentals, the second to perfecting the skills and specializing with a 3-month internship in a company and the third year focuses on conducting a personal project.
It is a full-time course, that runs over around 35 hours a week.

Work placements :

  • A 2-week internship at the end of the 1st year (Semester 2)
  • A 3-month internship at the end of the 2nd year (Semester 4)

The objective of the second-year placement is to gain skills and know-how in a working environment in France or abroad, to contribute to the elaboration of design or cultural projects, and deepen all newly acquired knowledge in a corporate background.

Our school proposes two paths : Editorial or Textile

DNMADE Editorial

This section will allow the student to master fashion and computer environments, to use manufacturing techniques and technologies, and to design and create digital communication tools.

DNMADE Textile

This section will focus on manufacturing techniques, ethical and sustainable production, research and creation through various materials and fibers, processing and assembling.

BTS in International Trade

Higher National Diploma

The BTS (two-year vocational degree/equivalent to Higher National Diploma) in International Trade is a national diploma delivered after two years of full-time studies. It is obtained after regular in-training assessments and final examinations at the end of the second year.


  • ICT applied to business
  • Customer canvassing and follow up
  • Business communication and intercultural management
  • Negotiating in a foreign language
  • Foreign languages: English and a second language (Spanish, German,Hebrew)
  • Managing import-export operations
  • General culture and communication
  • Economic and legal environment

The courses run over around 35 hours per week.

Work placements

Two internships in a working environment are mandatory for the validation of the diploma :

At the end of the 1rst year : a work placement of 8 to 12 weeks in a foreign country.

  • Objectives : canvassing new customers/follow up of existing customers/ collecting data/creating and updating customer data base/organizing marketing operations

During the 2nd year : a 4-week placement in France or abroad in Transport and Logistics.

  • Objective : management of import/export operations

Career prospects

The graduate will work in a company producing or marketing goods or services in relation with foreign markets or foreign investors. He/she will monitor international markets, be involved in international purchases and sales, offers and negotiations. He/She will also be in charge of commercial and administrative tasks during the operations, will coordinate suppliers and external service providers.
Group 602
ORT Strasbourg - Etablissement pour le secondaire et supérieur à Strasbourg - Education, Formation, Innovation

L’ORT Strasbourg s’attache à donner à chaque élève et étudiant les moyens de la réussite au service d’une société juste. À assurer un enseignement de qualité et un accompagnement personnalisé.

ORT Strasbourg rattaché à l'Université de Strasbourg
ORT Ecole de la république Française
Les formations à l'ORT sont certifiées Qualiopi